Novi album bjelovarskog gitariste i skladatelja Nebojše Buhina „Slowburn“ njegov je 7 instrumentalni album od ukupno 10 diskografskih izdanja u višegodišnjoj karijeri. Naglasak je uvijek bio na kvaliteti (glazbe i glazbenika koji sviraju), a ne kvantiteti što dokazuje i podatak da je za svoja izdanja 2 puta osvojio diskografsku nagradu PORIN (za najbolji instrumentalni album), a još čak 4 puta je bio u nominacijama.
Na albumu „Slowburn“ nalazi se 7 instrumentalnih autorskih pjesama te obrada hita iz 80-tih kao posveta godinama odrastanja. Uz nove glazbene snage – ritam sekciju koju sačinjavaju basist Vinko Kovačević i bubnjar Mihael Bumba – album je maestralno upotpunio klavijaturist Berislav Bero Blažević (Parni Valjak).
Sam naslov asocira na dugo trajanje samozatajne karijere odličnog instrumentaliste i autora, ali se može shvatiti i kao razmišljanje o prolaznosti i ranjivosti, o čemu „govori“ i naslovna pjesma. Na albumu se kao gosti pojavljuju pjevačica Adari, basist Mario Rašić, saksofonist Gordan Perši te harmonikaš Tomslav Goluban.
Mix i mastering albuma potpisuje Miroslav Lesić -Lesique.
The new album of Bjelovar guitarist and composer Nebojša Buhin "Slowburn" is his 7th instrumental album out of a total of 10 discography releases in his multi-year career. The emphasis was always on quality (music and musicians playing), not quantity, which is proven by the fact that he won the PORIN discography award twice (for the best instrumental album) for his releases, and was even nominated 4 more times.
The album "Slowburn" contains 7 instrumental original songs and a cover of a hit from the 80s as a tribute to the years of growing up. With new musical forces - the rhythm section consisting of bassist Vinko Kovačević and drummer Mihael Bumba - the album was masterfully completed by keyboardist Berislav Bero Blažević (Parni Valjak).
The title itself is associated with the long duration of the self-effacing career of an excellent instrumentalist and author, but it can also be understood as a reflection on transience and vulnerability, which is what the title track "talks about". Singer Adari, bassist Mario Rašić, saxophonist Gordan Perši and harmonica player Tomslav Goluban appear as guests on the album.
Mix and mastering of the album is done by Miroslav Lesić - Lesique.